True Repentance

“Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, I am not now worthy to be called thy son.”

“Return, return, to the Lord thy God: and I will take away thy captivity: I will redeem thee; I will wash all thine iniquities in My Blood; I will be thy Sacrifice and thy Redeemer.” (Benediction verse for today’s Mass)

Today,  the first Sunday of Lent, let’s see what the  Curé d’Ars, St. Jean Vianney can tell us about true repentance:


“Woe is me, for I have sinned so much during my life.”
Thus spoke St. Augustine, when he thought over his past life, which he had spent incessantly in the abominable vice of impurity. As often as the thought occurred to him, his heart was torn and devoured by repentance. “Oh, my Lord,” he exclaimed, “I have lived without loving Thee; oh, my Lord, how many precious years have I lost! Deign, O Lord, I implore Thee, to efface from Thy memory my past faults!”

Oh, precious tears, O salutary contrition, which made of such a great sinner so great a saint! Oh, how quickly does a really contrite heart regain the friendship of God! Ah, would to God that every time we let our sins pass before our mind’s eye, we could say with the repentant St. Augustine: “Ah, woe is me. I have sinned much during my life; have mercy on me, O Lord! ” How soon would we alter our mode of living!
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Luther’s Love

When this old essay was first posted, in October, 2017, we were mostly focused on Pope Francis’s insults to Our Lady of the Rosary at the centenary of her visits at Fatima, Portugal. Indeed, Pope Francis appeared to find the arch-heretic Martin Luther more to his liking than the Immaculate Mother of God.

Among the extensive research data that I lost when my new Macbook pro died and had to be totally replaced was today’s post. Since the crash, I have attempted to reproduce the post but without the research, I have failed dismally. However, these seeming setbacks are always an opportunity – it seems that setbacks and obstacles give us  space for the Holy Ghost to work. It is such a blessing  to be brought to desperation and then suddenly discern the gentle breath of the Holy Spirit Who always renews us in hope and in love.

You see, I was approaching the “problem of Luther” from the wrong direction, as many do.  I had amassed quite a bit of documentation comparing Luther’s tendency to use vulgar attacks on his critics with the Bishop of Rome. Indeed, their propensity for personal attacks against anyone who opposes them, and their peculiar taste for the scatological and obscene is strikingly similar. But that article would have missed the most important point, and so today, we will try to get it right. Sources for this article are cited at end.

The simple point I wish to make is that anyone who claims to be a Christian, that is to say, an obedient  follower of Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, our Savior and Redeemer, should show us by example his deep love for Jesus. Therefore, I ask, where is Martin Luther’s Love for Jesus?  Jesus taught us, not by a mere proclamation of faith but by His loving work, His  sacrificial death  in obedience to the Father.  Precisely where is it demonstrated that Martin Luther loved Our Lord Jesus Christ ?  Was it shown in his disobedient betrayal of his sacred vows of chastity, poverty and obedience?

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On Purification and Presentation

Today  we offer a new post to commemorate one of the oldest feasts in the Church, the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple. Our post combines elements from previous essays from 2018 and 2020, including writings from St. Francis de Sales, Ven. Mother Maria de Agreda, and Father Garrigou-Lagrange O.P.,  among others.

The feast of the Purification of Mary is also the feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, and both rites were observed in order to fulfill Mosaic Law; that is to say, this venerable old feast is all about obedience! The obedience of Mary, the most pure and perfect example of God’s creation humbly submitting to the ancient Mosaic Law of purification, and the Divine Infant, truly God as well as truly man, submitting in utmost humility to the Mosaic Law, consecrating themselves to God as models for us.  Continue reading “On Purification and Presentation”

The Flower of the Purification

Today we offer something new – an essay by Father Abram Ryan on the Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Abram Joseph Ryan was a remarkable man and a Catholic Chaplain in the War Between the States who called New Orleans his home for many years.  Here is his sermon given in New Orleans regarding our Most Blessed Lady’s Purification.

“Now dost Thou dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word, in peace. Because mine eyes have seen Thy salvation. Which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.”— Luke 2, 29-32.

In the Temple

Forty days after the birth of Jesus, His blessed Mother accompanied by Joseph went up to the Temple for her purification and His presentation.

Sinless as Mary was there was no real need for her compliance with the ceremony of purification as there had been no need of our Lord’s subjecting Himself to the rite of circumcision. They complied with the requirements of the law in order to leave us an example of obedience. And besides the mystery of her Motherhood and the divinity of the child were in this way to remain unrevealed.

Mary the child of the Temple re-enters its gates;  a Virgin Mother bearing in her arms the everlasting God. Joseph carried the turtle doves as humble offerings. Never had God received such homage in heaven or on earth as when Mary presented her child in the Temple. It was an infinite offering and the little Christ gave to His Father in that hour infinite homage.

Into the Temple, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit came the aged Simeon, a just man and devout,  “who had been waiting for the consolation of Israel.”

For it had been revealed to him that before death he would see with his own eyes the Lord’s Christ. Mary he had known in the days of her childhood. He had been present at her presentation. A great joy filled his aged heart. He took the child in his trembling arms, and blest God. And then his voice arose in song:

“Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, Lord, according to Thy word in peace. Because my eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples : A light to the revelation of the gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.”

Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary the Mother:

“Behold this child is set  for the ruin and resurrection of many in Israel and for a sign that shall be contradicted; and thy own soul a sword shall pierce that out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed.’

Simeon read in prophetic vision the whole future history of the child and he tells it to the Mother; for she is to be involved in it – to be part and portion of it.

Anna the prophetess, also entered the Temple and gave thanks to the Lord. There were listeners in the Temple, but they did not understand Simeon’s song and prophecy and Anna’s blessing. The wondrous beauty of the young mother, the resemblance between her face and that of the child a-nestling in her arms, the gentleness of Joseph – all this attracted their attention;  but though they were almost touching the mystery of mysteries they knew it not.


How often we are face to face with the supernatural and it passes us by unheeded? Are we not surrounded by mysteries, sacraments, facts above nature filling all hours and somehow we seem blind to their presence. Are we not dwelling in the awful every-whereness of God from first to last of life half-the-while heedless of the mystery?

So they in the Temple, the lookers-on in the day of Mary’s purification and Christ’s presentation stood in the shadow of the supernatural – but they went their ways merely passing wondering remarks upon Mary and Joseph and the child.

And Mary went her way – the sharp point of the sword of sorrow entering her heart – but as day follows day it will sink in deeper until her soul shall be trans- fixed with sorrow.

The Mother of the victim must also be a victim.  “The Man of sorrow” must have a mother of sorrow. Few the joys of their lives, but countless and intense the pangs.

She saw, in spirit, every footstep of Christ until the nailing of His feet on Calvary. No wonder that the sorrowful hasten to the Mother of sorrows! She can compassionate sorrow’s every pang because she suffered them all.

And where the Mother of sorrow is, with her will be found the Man of Sorrows – Mother and child together. Seven great mysteries of sorrow divide the days of her life.

The world worships joy, goes forth to meet it, welcomes it,—walks in its light;—but flies or tries to fly from grief. And yet after all that, earth-joy is vain, fleeting and unsatisfying. A ghost of grief haunts the footsteps of every joy.

Only spiritual joys can satisfy the soul, joys that spring from prayers, graces, sacraments, obediences to God’s laws. And these fill the heart with that holy peace which this world can neither give nor take away.

For such souls beside the greatest earthly sorrows the highest spiritual joys can be found inter-clasping one another. Sorrow was to be one of the most powerful elements in the holiness of the Blessed Virgin.

Remember that from the moment of her immaculate conception on up until the moment of her death, her life was ascensional. Every moment she rose higher in sanctity. Her graces and merits were constantly multiplying; until she reached heights to no other creature accessible and though finite manifested, more than all other beings combined…

Mary’s Martyrdom

As towards all other creatures, her holiness was and is incommunicable. No being ever bore the image and likeness of God as Mary did and does now in heaven. We are His images but imperfect. But in Mary the divine image is perfectly mirrored. ..  And the sign of that spiritual work is sorrow. Her life before Calvary was a martyrdom of suspense and fear and expectation. Her martyrdom on Calvary is only surpassed by that of her Saviour-son. And after Calvary she suffered the martyrdom of waiting. And always in perfect conformity to the will of God.

Sweet is the spiritual fragrance of the flower of the purification. It is a mingling of obedience to the law—of joy in presenting such a child, God’s own equal, to God Himself and of sorrow for His foretold sufferings.


On the second day of February, Holy Church who is also a virgin mother, keeps the feast of Mary’s purification. But all the days of all the years our beautiful Church holds festivals of Purification. The Bride of the Lamb forever, her mission is to purify the world of error and sin. The gates of her temples are ever open that those who may need to be purified may enter and be cleansed.

The ceremony of purification never ceases. At the baptismal font, – from the pulpit, in the confessional, on the altar the purifying power is always active.

Blessed are they who, needing to be purified come in imitation of Mary, who, though not in need of it went up to the Temple in obedience to the law. And then to each of us the Saviour with the gentleness of a child and the mercy of a God will be presented. Once she presented Him to the Father; – but now her love is to present Him to sinners in the hours of their purification.


“We have received Thy mercy, O God, in the midst of Thy temple: according to Thy name, God, so also is Thy praise, unto the ends of the earth: Thy right hand is full of justice.” Psalm 47.

“Great is the Lord, and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, in His holy mountain.”

Prayer for the Purification
Almighty everliving God, we humbly beseech Thy Majesty, that as Thine only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in the substance of our flesh so we also may, with purified hearts, be presented unto Thee.

Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

Open your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only: and He will free you from the hands of your enemies. With all your heart return to Him, and take away from your midst any strange gods” (I Kings 7:3)

✝︎  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
✝︎  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
✝︎  St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
✝︎  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Pray the Rosary for a Pope and Bishops who will obediently consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.

Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin!
Give me strength against thine enemies!

Novena for the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We offer this Novena today to begin  it tomorrow, January 24 and finish on the Vigil of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for those of us who would like to renew our Consecrations on Our Lady’s Feast day.

Please note that each day’s prayers conclude with the God the Shepherd Prayer for the Pope. This is because we really do need to put aside our own opinions and pray for this benighted man. Saint Jacinta of Fatima stressed the need for us to pray for the Pope and I believe that when we pray for this poor man, it pleases Our Lady so much. I hope you will consider it. In this regard, recall St. John of the Cross’s admonition: “In the evening of your life, you will be judged on love. Put away your own way (of loving) and learn to love as God wills.” For more on this subject, please see our earlier post, “Prayer and Penance for the Pope“.

Everything about this diabolical combat demonstrates for those who pay attention that this is all about love; for we were created in love, redeemed in love and are sustained in love – and satan is never happier than when he has instigated hatred, bitterness and the desire to wreak revenge. For Love’s sweet sake, return to Love! Put away the hate, it does no good, simply love and allow God’s grace to begin healing the Church through Her – She who is the Immaculate Mother of God.

Each day, we begin with:

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Of Wise Men and Fools, 2024

Among the obstacles faced by the Magi, perhaps the greatest was the sheer indifference of the Israelites themselves. And yet, the Magi persisted, seeking this new born King. Our essay is based on a sermon from St. Jean-Baptiste Marie Vianney.

Let us consider to what degree the persistence of the Wise men attained. On their arrival at Jerusalem, the star which had guided them on the journey disappeared. They imagined without doubt that they had reached the place where our Saviour was born, and so they expected that the whole of Jerusalem would be filled with joy at the birth of its Redeemer.

What astonishment was theirs to see that Jerusalem showed no signs of joy whatever and in fact, did not even know its Redeemer is born at all! The Jews are so surprised to see how the Wise men came to worship the Messiah, that the Wise men began to wonder why the event was announced to them at all. Instead of bolstering their hopes, it seemed to them that their faith was being tested.  Was it not rather calculated to deter them from their journey, and to tempt them to return home secretly, for fear that they might become the laughing stock of Jerusalem?

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The Last Remedy

“Our Lord Jesus Christ has always defended the honor of His Mother.”

Last Remedy

“God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. … there will be no others. …if you despise and repulse this ultimate means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers.”

You ask, “How is that a sin against the Holy Ghost?” It is because the Blessed Virgin is the spouse of the Holy Ghost, and He loves her infinitely as does God the Son and God the Father. Jesus was born of Mary and became Man that He might redeem mankind. And yet He gave the first thirty years of His life solely to Mary and only the last three years to mankind. Sacred Scripture reveals that Mary is full of grace, in other words, she can never deceive us – when she says that the Rosary and devotion to her Immaculate Heart are necessary, she is speaking God’s will, not her own.

Again, it is God’s will that we do these things. The Blessed Virgin Mary is telling us that God wills that we pray the Rosary daily and pray it well, and that we use this rosary in our spiritual combat, that is, pray it in Rosary Rallies publicly and out loud. A Rosary Rally at which the Rosary is not prayed openly is not a Rosary Rally. To obey Our Lady’s request for the devotion of her Rosary, we must pray her Rosary, that is, the Rosary in effect at the time of her request; not John Paul II’s Rosary, not the Divine Mercy or any substitute or “improvement” on the Rosary she asked for.

Additionally, the Rosary should be prayed before every Mass, in front of the most Blessed Sacrament and out loud in every Catholic church. It should be accompanied by prayers for the Catholic intentions of the Pope. Refer to the words of the shepherds of Fatima for the importance of this. To ignore this requirement robs us of the plenary indulgence in addition to being an affront to God.

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The Way of Divine Love and the Message of Fatima, 2023

Today, December 29, we mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Sister Josefa Menendez, the humble nun who wrote “The Way of Divine Love”.  The Sisters of Carmel have a beautiful leather bound edition here.. We’ve written about the beautiful Way of Divine Love before and about Sister Josefa’s deep devotion to the Divine Infant.  But now we will focus on the most often overlooked or misunderstood concept in Josefa’s writings: true humility.

The writings of Sister Josefa echo in many ways the writings of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and one can discern a hint of them in Sister Lucia’s writings as well. I strongly suspect that the true writings of Sister Lucia would bear even more resemblance to both of them were we to have access to them. This is because Our Lord Jesus Christ has been telling us in no uncertain terms, what is necessary to counter-act the spiritual terrorism of the arrogant pride prevailing in the world today.

Tragically, this diabolical pride has so captivated the souls of mankind that today among the vast majority of people, there is a rigid resistance to Our Lord’s plea for humility of heart. Mankind has developed a resistance to the grace of God much as some disease bacteria develop a resistance to antibiotics, and now they despise the “poor in spirit” as lacking in self esteem, and care not a whit for the “Kingdom of Heaven”.
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Of Bread, Battle and Penitence, 2023

Note for 2023: This is another old post which should have been updated and reposted earlier but I’ve been struggling this Christmas time. I offer it now without updating but to make the point that it is extremely important that we humble ourselves, avoid all the professional bloggers  who specialise in rage and outrage over the harm being done by the resident apostate in the Vatican.

This is a battle for souls, and we must confront it with our spirtitual weapons, prayer, particularly the Rosary, and fasting and other reparative practices and most important Mass and Holy Communion whenever possible. An often overlooked but especially useful spiritual weapon is almsgiving.  Support our good priests! And also support ministries to persecuted Catholics.

Now here’s where readers leave me in disgust: You MUST PRAY for the Pope (no matter how wrong the election was no matter how many times he has committed public heresy and so forth, and especially – no matter how many times some big-mouthed blogger tells you he’s not the Pope – he has been recognized as the pope by most of the world and no one on earth has been given the divine right to oust him.  Again, no matter what our own opinion is of this vulgar usurper who insults both Our Lord and His loving Mother, we must continue to pray for him and the other unpleasant men whom he has chosen to lead the Church.

To pray for them is God’s command to us and we are not excused by objecting that he’s not the pope. Praying for your enemy does not in any way strengthen him; on the contrary, it begs God’s grace for him to repent and stop being the ulcerous lesion afflicting the Church at present.

A priest once told me that the best way to get rid of your enemies is to pray for their repentance and conversion – and – pray for your own soul’s sake, that is pray  God grant you the grace to make this ordeal profitable for your eternal soul. Our enemies help us get to heaven! Accept this trial as a blessing, for that is what this time in our history is – an opportunity to gain floods of grace for those less fortunate than we are and to give glory to God and honor to our Beloved Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary..

A related post I recommend is The Last Remedy.

The following post was intended to go online during Advent but I overlooked it.
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Saint Jean-Marie Vianney for Christmas Day

O, when we come to the crib, let us bring our Saviour a childlike, repentant heart, and pray to Him that we may be as little children; that we, as children, may walk in the purity of our hearts, that we may be humble before God and men.

For Christmas  Day, we share with you a Christmas sermon by St. Jean Vianney from “Sermons of the Curé of Ars”, by KIC.


“And His name shall be called Emmanuel.” —Is. vii. 14. Beloved brethren, assembled in the name of Jesus Christ: On the plains of Bethlehem, the angels of heaven brought to the shepherds and to us a wonderful message of joy. “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people: For this day is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David” (Luke ii. 10, 11).

Since the world was made no such message of joy had ever been brought to men. Men bring one another messages of joy. How many joyful sounds have already been heard upon earth, how many days of happiness are arranged, how many joyful messages are brought; but the sounds of joy are carried away on the air, to leave behind only slight remembrances, like faint lights; joyful days pass away, and days of visitation follow days of blessing, and joyful chimes are often changed to chimes of mourning.

How often is the joy of one the sorrow of the other! How often does it happen that what to one is a cause of jubilation to another is an occasion for tears! And even if the curse of inconstancy and the reverse of earthly happiness did not sadden man’s joyful message, it would still be incapable of making the heart of man happy in its deepest depths; it does not send its rays right down to the bottom of the heart; it is hardly able to gild the walls of our soul with its feeble, caressing light.

But the angels’ message on the plains of Bethlehem was of quite another kind; it did not come from the palaces of earthly kings, or from the halls of pleasure, from the markets of the earth; it came from heaven, bringing with it heavenly flowers, heavenly blessings, and heavenly graces. The angels, messengers from the choirs of blessed light, bring it on lips overflowing with jubilation; pure and undefiled, without shadow of deception and sorrow, rings out the jubilee down upon the earth, laden with sin, and it reaches into our innermost hearts.

It is announced, not to one or the other, but to the beggar and the king, the child and the old man, the poor and the rich. The angels announced to the shepherds that it should be made known to all people, in the east and the west, in the north and the south; it shall ring forth and make joyful through all the ages; it shall never cease, not even when the world shall keep its vigil, and the book of humanity will be closed, and then it will ring on in eternity: a Saviour is born to you, who is Christ the Lord.

Oh, who can depict the joy of a Christmas festival! Over our altars floats the joy of this joyful message, from the plains of Bethlehem it sinks into our hearts and breathes consolation and hope into our souls.
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