The Centenary of Fatima and the Passion of the Church, 2023

On Father Malachi Martin, Pope Benedict XVI and the Third Secret of Fatima, Satan’s War for Christ’s Church.

By request, repost from early 2017, still pertinent today.

Father Malachi Martin was bound, unfairly he believed, but nevertheless bound by an oath against revealing the Third Secret, or more properly, the third portion of the Secret of Fatima. But this chafed him so that he increasingly indicated insights into the secret’s meaning as time went by and the devil’s own chaos increased in the Church. It must have been a terrible burden to know that if only he were able to speak out, so many souls might have repented and been saved! But Father took solace in obedience, knowing as he did that it was by way of the arrogant disobedience of Popes that this assault from hell came about.

And so, even though bound by his oath, Father allowed certain insights. If we review all the hints he gave us in his books and interviews, they fall into a pattern roughly consisting of three portions,

Continue reading “The Centenary of Fatima and the Passion of the Church, 2023”

The Message of Fatima for the Synodal Church

This updated reposting from 2015 was originally titled The Message of Fatima for the Post-synodal Church, but as years go by, and synod follows synod, now comes the absurdly titled Synod on Synodality, it appears there will be no post-synod period for the Church until the occupiers are neutralized. And how shall that be?

First, let’s look at what has been tried and failed. We now know that all the open letters, petitions and books  have not had any appreciable effect on Pope Francis and his wrecking crew.

This is because, as has been often discussed here, secular weapons are not going to be of use in a grave spiritual combat until Our Lady’s warriors are spiritually prepared for the battle. The undisclosed  but essential message of Our Lady of Fatima is that the apostasy begins at the top, which is easily seen now, and we have Our Lady’s remedy, but who obeys? Continue reading “The Message of Fatima for the Synodal Church”

The Mystery of Iniquity

This is the original post from 2016 and has not been updated.

“For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way.” (2 Thess, 2,7)

Pope Francis continues to use the Year of Mercy to flog the Church towards the great 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Revolt against the Church. The irony of the Vicar of Christ proclaiming the sanctity of the archenemy of Christ seems lost amid the welter of voices battling for attention in this age of apostasy. If Pope John XXIII initiated the “beginning of sorrows” with his disobedience of Our Lady of Fatima, our current occupant is certainly accelerating it…

Cardinal Manning (1808-1892) was an Anglican convert. Ordained just ten weeks after entering the Church, he became Archbishop of Westminster and then Cardinal. Manning was a strong supporter of the doctrine of infallibility in the First Vatican Council in contrast to Cardinal Newman. In “The Present Crisis in the Holy See”, Cardinal Manning warned of a grave crisis facing the Church. The book’s four chapters, “The Progress of the Mystery of Iniquity, the Antichrist, What Holds Back the Antichrist and The Apostasy of Rome“, are a solemn warning to the Church for these times.

Early in his book, Cardinal Manning states that the three notes of the Apostasy are schism, heresy and denial of the Incarnation, and concludes that all the heresies from the beginning are but the continuous development and expansion of the one “mystery of iniquity” which from the beginning wars against the mystery of the faith. Likening the heresies which have afflicted the Church to diseases, he remarks: Continue reading “The Mystery of Iniquity”

The Judas Complex and Pope Francis

NOTE:  I have corrected the missing link to The Mystery of Iniquity, which now works, thank you.

The following is from 2016 and has not been updated. Back then,  it was newsworthy to discover that the Vicar of Christ appears to have a tender devotion to Judas. Well, that’s old hat now, isn’t it? I offer this for a bit of nostalgia as we continue to sink into the subterranean depths of this Bergoglian Reformation.

Fom April, 2016:

Odd, isn’t it that Pope Francis has such a tender spot for Judas the betrayer of Christ?

In Monday’s  homily at Msgr. Ricca’s humble abode, Pope Francis opined, “It hurts when I read that small passage from the Gospel of Matthew, when Judas, who has repented, goes to the priests and says: ‘I have sinned’ and wants to give … and gives them the coins. ‘Who cares! – they say to him: it’s none of our business!’ They closed their hearts before this poor, repentant man, who did not know what to do. And he went and hanged himself.” (Vatican Radio) [Note: Pope Francis really did call Judas a “poor, repentant man” !]

To Francis, Judas “repented”, even though Judas never acknowledged his sin to Jesus Christ, who is the One whom he offended. For Francis, Judas’s worldly regret expressed to the “doctors of the law” was sufficient, ignoring Jesus entirely. Odd that this Vicar of Christ seems not to understand that the victim of every sin is Jesus Christ and reparation must be to Him.

So, Pope Francis teaches us, Judas was “this poor, repentant man”. Thus, once again Pope Francis is greater in mercy than Our Lord Jesus Christ, who prayed to His Father, shortly before Judas betrayed Him, “While I was with them, I kept them in Thy name. Those whom Thou gavest me have I kept; and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition, that the scripture may be fulfilled. (John 17, 12)

The Judas Complex

Thinking on this strange Pope’s even stranger affinity for Judas recalled to mind Father Malachi Martin’s writing about the Judas Complex among the Modernist Churchmen who infest the Church. His 1990 book, “The Keys of This Blood”,  has a final portion titled “Coda, the Protocol of Salvation” which contains a fascinating analysis of the precise situation in which we find ourselves today, under a pope who asserts himself as more merciful and practical than Jesus Christ, whom he insists he represents. Indeed, as he himself reminds us, he is  “by the will of Christ Himself – the supreme Pastor and Teacher of all the faithful”. And that he enjoys, “supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary power in the Church”.

Continue reading “The Judas Complex and Pope Francis”

Unfinished Business, 2023

This post was first published on another site, which closed down some years ago.  When I moved to Return to Fatima in 2012-2013, I re-edited it and republished it 2017, and again in 2021. I bring it back again as it is a portion of a series I intend to post before I must quit.


The demands of God do not expire simply because mankind ignores them. Indeed, they gather in magnitude and now, in momentum as well.

The point of this essay is simple: The battle is over the Mass. Yes, I have been saying this for longer than Bergoglio has been in office. That is because the message of Fatima began with the Eucharistic revelations of the Angel, indeed, the Mass and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are inseparable from the Message of Fatima.

It is a tragic fact that the majority of faithful ignore or misunderstand Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Christ the King, and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are all of a piece and in no way are separate, disparate, or contradictory. And they are inseparably linked to the Mass and Holy Eucharist.

The requests of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, as relayed by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1689, still stand today, centuries after they were made known. Once God has uttered a request, it does not cease to be simply because centuries pass while Catholics turn an indifferent ear to them.Our Lord Jesus Christ made His request of the King of France  because of the importance of the French Monarchy, as a worldly force established by the will of God for the glory and protection of Christ’s Church. I refer you to the writings of Solange Hertz as previously cited.

St. Pius X tells us in Vehementer nos, “The Creator of mankind is also the Founder of human societies, and He preserves them just as He maintains individuals in existence.”  God sent Joan of Arc to make this clear. Her mission was precisely to establish the fact that France was a nation constituted by God under a king who was Jesus Christ’s designated lieutenant. Thus, we see that God first sent St. Joan to aid France, then sent St. Margaret Mary with a message from His Sacred Heart. The engineer of destruction for the latter message was the deceitful Jesuit superior who refused to comply. I will not expand on this now, but it is documented by Hertz in Utopia Nowhere.

If only …

If only Pope Pius XI had obeyed the request of the Immaculate Mother of God at Fatima, instead of separating that requested devotion from devotion to the Sacred Heart and Christ the King, he would have been able to fulfill both the requests of the Immaculate Heart and of her Divine Son. Instead of the ever-expanding reign of satanic marxism, we could have had the glorious reign of Christ the King, through the Immaculata, as Our Lord Himself had so desired.

And what are we to think of France?

The Kingdom of France, established by King Clovis was consecrated by him to  Christ’s Kingship forever by constitutional law. The document’s preamble begins with, “The illustrious Nation of the Franks, having God for Founder,” and closes by praying that, “the Lord Jesus Christ direct those who govern in the way of piety.”  When France’s king failed to submit to the request of its true ruler, Christ the King, it fell to apostasy. Of this, Pope St. Pius X prophesied: “she who had made an alliance with God,” would one day repent and “bear My Name before all peoples and all the kings of the earth.”  

God’s gifts being without repentance, we may believe that the return to natural law will begin with the conversion of regicide France. (Solange Hertz, “Utopia Nowhere“)

Hertz believed strongly that France would return to the faith:

“She will begin by restoring the kingdom of France, and by God’s grace, the rest of the nations will rise and follow France back to their Lord and ruler Jesus Christ. In a discourse to the French cardinals in 1911, St. Pius X predicted: “The nation which made an alliance with God at the baptismal fonts of Reims will repent and return to her first vocation.”  (op cit, loc 1667-1669)

God’s requests still stand: France must be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Russia must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  These two are inseparable Divine requests and until they are obeyed, suffering will continue to gather in violent intensity throughout the world. Our Lord has assured us, through St. Margaret Mary that He will reign despite all opposition and in the same manner, Our Lady and Our Lord have both asserted to Sister Lucia that in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph. If only the faithful today would grasp that this triumph will be either with us or despite us. If despite, there will be much greater chastisement.


That said, how will this happen?  Since devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is Eucharistic, let us see what the Apocalypse tells us of the victory of the Eucharistic Lamb – that is, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

“The judgments executed by the Eucharistic Lamb upon Satan shall involve the whole world not to destroy but to chasten it and wrest it from the hands of Satan liberating the human race from his sordid servitude.” (Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer, “The Book of Destiny” [introduction], Tan Books.)

From an earlier post: The Holy Eucharist makes every church a temple and every tabernacle a throne of God. Thus, the vision of Knock points us to Apocalypse, Chapter 5, v. 5, which in turn points us to Isaias 11, 1-5, all of which emphasize the importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus, symbolized for us by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Prisoner of Love in the Eucharist.

The Eucharistic Mystery

From Father Kramer:
“The temple of Christ is every Catholic Church, where He dwells in the Eucharistic Mystery. The Sacrifice of the Mass is the sacred mystery, in which Christ is “as if sacrificed”, is truly and mystically slain or immolated. The sacrifice is inseparably united with the bloody sacrifice of the Cross, because it represents and renews it. Through the Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ becomes present, establishes His throne in the Church and extends the effects of His death on the Cross and carries the purposes of God to completion. To outward appearance He is dead in the Eucharist, so there He rests “as if immolated”. But the Holy Eucharist is the throne of God through the inseparable union of Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  …

Fr. Kramer tells us,

“The Real Presence of Christ has been …  the standard for the armies of Christ. His soldiers, the martyrs, confessors and virgins have ever fought and bled for the altar and the cross.” And we know that Christ the King demands that the standards of the French King bear the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus we understand that Christ intends to reign through Eucharistic devotion, through the true sacrifice of the Mass.

This Battle Is Over the Mass

To be as clear as possible, this battle is over the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is over the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.  The revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary concern the most Holy Eucharist. And do take note of the fact that the message of Fatima was introduced by St. Michael in a very triumphant tableau of – what? What was St. Michael telling us? He was stating the grounds of the battle: the Mass, the Eucharist and urging the weapons for the laity: Make of everything a sacrifice! Pray and sacrifice!

The silent tableau of Knock took place in inclement weather just outside the Church, thus pointing to the institutional Church forcing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass outside. The apparition of Knock displayed on a desolate night thus foretold a period in which the conciliar Church would attempt to stifle the true Sacrifice of the Mass and replace it with a protestantised fellowship service, to serve ecumenism and the prince of this world. This is the agenda of the present occupant as we shall see before the year ends. In this battle, there will be no safe haven, no order will escape this blight.

At Knock, the Little Lamb on the altar stood with two powerful representatives of the priesthood, St. Joseph, chaste guardian of the Holy Family and Patron of the Church, and St. John the Beloved, to whom Christ entrusted His Mother and to whom the Holy Spirit revealed the mysteries of the Apocalypse. St. John pointed to the Scriptures, begging the question, “To which scriptures?” The vision itself answers:  The Lamb on the altar indicates Apocalypse 5. The two patrons of the priesthood, St. Joseph and St. John, indicate the importance of priests in these times. Our Lady of Knock, in this vision, never took her eyes from heaven, never wavered in her intercession for the Church.

Considered in the context of the other Marian apparitions, Knock is a warning against the silencing of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the sacrilege of the Holy Eucharist, the corruption of the faith. Our Lady’s appearances at La Salette and Knock were followed by the revelation of Fatima. The Angel of Fatima, Michael, the great Archangel warrior who battles Satan gave us a warning about the abuses of the sacrifice of the Mass and desecration of the Eucharist. And now, 100 years later, the onslaught of sacrileges, outrages, and indifference  continues.

We must understand that Satan is at war with the Little Lamb, our Eucharistic Lord. Unfortunately, most Catholics are indifferent to this battle. But it is real. Satan knows that the Eucharist is Emmanuel, God with us. Although so many Catholics have forgotten this truth, or are indifferent, the devil knows that Christ the King reigns through the Eucharist. And that is why he is striving with all his immense power to extirpate the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to eliminate the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ on our altars. By their perversion of mercy, in giving the the Body of Christ to unrepentant sinners, modernists debase Our Lord’s sacrament of love and attempt to drive Jesus from His own Church.

La Salette, Knock, Fatima, and Akita, all warn us of this time. This is a spiritual battle of never before seen proportions. Although we know Who will win it, we cannot afford to lose any time, for with knowledge comes responsibility. We must live our Consecrations, moment by tedious moment. Just because our lives are ordinary does not mean that they are not very, very precious to Jesus.

Because of the indifference of so many, and the errors of self-appointed Catholic leaders, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will indeed seem to disappear. Our Lady has graciously given us, in her true message of Fatima, the spiritual weapons to defend ourselves and those entrusted to us. They are spiritual Holy Communion (as foretold by the apparitions of the Angel in 1916)  and the Holy Rosary (as requested in all six visits of Our Lady at Fatima). Combined, they will sustain us. (Note: The spiritual weapons sustain our souls; however, at this late date, they will not protect us from great suffering.)

Discuss the Message of Fatima with your own priests – the First Saturdays are vital and even though most of us can not make it to Mass daily, we can make our Spiritual Mass and Holy Communion every day and keep every Saturday as a special day of reparation. Also, Our Lady asked for 15 minutes of our time on those days of reparation – but most of us gladly give her 15 – or more – minutes each day, for such is our delight in her! Please help spread the message of Our Lady of the Rosary.


Our Lord’s words to Sister Josefa Menendez:

“I so much want souls to understand this! It is not the action itself which is of value; it is the intention with which it is done. … I have many hidden souls who in their humble labors are very useful workers in My vineyard, … My love goes so far that My souls can draw great treasure out of mere nothing. When as soon as they wake they unite themselves to Me and offer their whole day with a burning desire that My Heart may use it for the profit of souls … when with love they perform their duties, hour by hour and moment by moment … how great is the treasure they amass in one day!

“I will reveal My love to them more and more … it is inexhaustible, and how easy it is for a loving soul to let itself be guided by love.” (Sister Josefa Menendez and the Way of Divine Love.)

Ed. note For a deeper understanding of this profound concept, I recommend “The Courage of be Afraid” by Father Marie-Dominique Molinié, O. P., translated by Fr. Alexander Wiseman, SSPX, Angelus Press, and, in the same vein, “Only Jesus”, by Archbishop Luis M. Martínez, D.D., translated by Sister Mary St. Daniel, B.V.M., Cluny Media. It is a great blessing that these books have become available at this particular time – I will try to write more on this soon.

No matter that others say,  I must continue to assert, with every means at my disposal, the importance of following obediently, the true message of Fatima, in prayer and penance, in faith and charity and especially in confident hope!

For, in these times, Our Lady has given us, through God’s immense, unfathomable mercy, a profusion of graces through her holy Rosary. Please pray your Rosary with confidence in our Mother’s intercession for us.  Our Lady of Fatima will not fail. In the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

“Open your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only: and He will free you from the hands of your enemies. With all your heart return to Him, and take away from your midst any strange gods” (I Kings 7:3)

  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
  Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
  St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Please pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

Enmity between thy seed and her seed

“I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.”
(Gen. 3, 15)

Millenia have passed since God cursed the serpent, the Ancient Enemy, but God’s word is immutable and at last, we approach the calamitous climax of these ages of ages….

Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night before He died for our sins, promised us, “I will not leave you orphans.” Thus, He spoke to Sister Lucia in 1943 in order to offer us in this sad Passion of His Church, the Immaculate Heart of His Mother as the inexhaustible spring of living water of His Mercy. Those who remain obstinately indifferent to this do so to their own eternal destruction.

His words to Sister Lucia at that time clearly showed His mercy for us:

“With great longing I desire the spread of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for this heart is the magnet that draws hearts to Me, the heart that radiates to the world the streams of my light and my love. It is finally, the inexhaustible spring from which flows into the world the living water of my mercy.” (Our Lord Jesus Christ to Sister Lucia, 1943, quoted in Sister Lucia’s letter to Bishop Gurza, May 27, 1943)

Continue reading “Enmity between thy seed and her seed”

The Resurrection and the Life, 2023

The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ

“I am the Resurrection and the Life; he that believeth in Me, although he be dead, shall live.” (John 11, 25).

“Joy in truth: for only sincere and upright souls who seek the truth lovingly and still more, ‘do the truth’ can fully rejoice in the Resurrection. We are sincere when we recognize ourselves for what we are, with all our faults, deficiencies and need for conversion. From this knowledge of our miseries comes the sincere resolve to purify ourselves … in order to be renewed in the risen Christ.

“Truth, however, must be accomplished in charity — veritatem facientes in caritatem, doing the truth in charity. (Eph. 4, 15). Therefore the Postcommunion prayer that is placed on our lips is more timely than ever: ‘Pour forth upon us, O Lord, the Spirit of Thy love, to make us of one heart.’ Without unity and mutual charity there can be no real Paschal joy. (Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, Divine Intimacy, p. 419-420).

Continue reading “The Resurrection and the Life, 2023”

The Nations Will Rise Up Against You, 2023

“The Nations Will Rise Up Against You”  has been posted numerous times since about 2015 and has not been updated.  Now, after ten miserable years in the See of Peter, Pope Francis has shown himself as the enemy of Jesus Christ, Whose Vicar he purports to be, by attempting to demolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is this which caused me to resurrect this old post  even though it is out of sequence, today. I have removed the outdated portions to focus on what is most apt for today.

“By God’s permission the nations will rise up against you; they will have vain thoughts of you; they will esteem as naught your priestly dignity and consecration. The princes of the earth will unite to cast you down. Your rulers will drive you from their territories, since your crimes have driven the innocent Lamb far from you.”   (St. Hildegard von Bingen)

As long-time readers know, we have posted on the dangers to the sacred priesthood since the inception of this blog several years ago, stressing the connection between the message of Fatima and the spread of heresy, apostasy and the corruption of the sacred priesthood.

It is only through true and total devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that the evils of doctrinal and moral dissolution will be purged from the true Church, the Bride of Christ. Those who occupy the seats of power in this church congratulate themselves that their efforts are bearing fruit at last will soon see something they did not at all anticipate. Soon, God willing, we will discuss this further. But for now, we offer, from 2015:

The Sacred Priesthood – A Prophecy

An essential part of the message of Fatima is the warning of the corruption of the priesthood. Sister Lúcia spoke of this to Father Agustin Fuentes:

“Father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin. And the devil knows what it is that most offends God and which in a short space of time will gain for him the greatest number of souls. Thus, the devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God, because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them.

“That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls. The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag innumerable souls to Hell … The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of laypeople and thereby lead them to final impenitence.” (Sister Lucia of Fatima to Father Agustin Fuentes, December, 1957)

Hildegard’s Prophecy

In an earlier article, we quoted Pope Benedict’s address to the Curia in 2010 where he in turn, quoted from St. Hildegard von Bingen.
Continue reading “The Nations Will Rise Up Against You, 2023”

Just a Catholic

Today’s post is adapted from evensong’s Reflections newsletter from April 12, 2021. A dear  reader from Hawaii sent me a link to an article  published on by a fellow I’m not familiar with, Alistair McFadden ( I found McFadden’s monograph useful, and believe that you will too, if you have not yet read it.

What do Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, Hermeticism and the Tarot have in common with Traditional Catholicism?

The answer to that will surprise you perhaps.

Observations on the Influence of the Occult in Traditional Catholic Discourse

McFadden led off by quoting 2Timothy 3-4,

“For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.”

Continue reading “Just a Catholic”

Purification and Presentation, 2023

Today  we offer a new post to commemorate one of the oldest feasts in the Church, the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple. Our post combines elements from previous essays from 2018 and 2020, including writings from St. Francis de Sales, Ven. Mother Maria de Agreda, and Father Garrigou-Lagrange O.P.,  among others.

The feast of the Purification of Mary is also the feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, and both rites were observed in order to fulfill Mosaic Law; that is to say, this venerable old feast is all about obedience! The obedience of Mary, the most pure and perfect example of God’s creation humbly submitting to the ancient Mosaic Law of purification, and the Divine Infant, truly God as well as truly man, submitting in utmost humility to the Mosaic Law, consecrating themselves to God as models for us.  Continue reading “Purification and Presentation, 2023”