What John Saw and What Lúcia Saw, 2024

Restored post from April 2018

Today we speak of beginnings and endings

A long, long time ago, John was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, as he tells us. And he heard a loud voice as of the sound of many waters, “I am the Alpha and the Omega …” . And John was given visions, the like of which no man has ever seen since until the night of June 13, 1929 in a small chapel.

Sister Lúcia described the vision:

“Suddenly the whole chapel became bright with a supernatural light and above the altar appeared a luminous cross that extended to the ceiling. In an even brighter light appeared above the cross the face of a Man with His body down to the waist. In front of His chest was a Dove, also made entirely of light, and nailed to the cross was the Body of another Man. A little below His hips appeared a chalice floating in the air and a large host, upon which fell the drops of blood that streamed from the face of the Crucified, and from His wounded side. They flowed down upon the host, and from there they fell into the chalice.

“Beneath the cross and to the right was Our Lady with her Immaculate Heart in her hand (it was Our Lady of Fatima with her Immaculate Heart, which she held in her left hand, without a sword or roses, but rather, surrounded with a crown of thorns and all aflame).

“Beneath the cross on the left appeared large letters, as though made of crystal-clear water, that flowed from the hand of the Crucified down upon the altar and formed the following words, Grace and Mercy.

“I understood that the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity was being shown to me, …”

The Blessed Virgin’s message was succinct:

“The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, and to order that in union with Him and at the same time, all the Bishops of the world make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to convert it because of this day of prayer and worldwide reparation.”

This vision is so deep and rich in meaning; in it we see encapsulated the mysteries of the Immaculate Conception, the Most Blessed Trinity, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Eucharist and so much more. It is the counterpart to John’s visions on Patmos and bears a similar warning and promise for us.

Yet not one Pope has ever spoken of this vision. Not. one.

A stunning indifference.

An insight from St. Maximilian Kolbe

In one of his last writings, the Apostle of the Immaculata, St. Maximilian, provides us with an excellent meditation on the meaning of the Immaculate Conception and its relation to the Most Holy Trinity. Let’s see how his brief meditation fits in with Lúcia’s mystical vision.

After asking,  “Who are you, O Immaculate Conception?” St. Maximilian writes,

“Not God, of course, because He has no beginning. Not an angel, created directly out of nothing. Not Adam, formed out of the dust of the earth (Gen. 2,7). Not Eve, molded from Adam’s rib (Gen. 2,21). Not the Incarnate Word, Who exists before all ages, and of Whom we should use the word “conceived” rather than “conception”. Humans do not exist before their conception, so we might call them created “conceptions.” But you, O Mary, are different from all other children of Eve. They are conceptions stained by original sin; whereas you are the unique, Immaculate Conception.

“Everything which exists, outside of God Himself, since it is from God and depends on Him in every way, bears within itself some semblance to its Creator; there is nothing in any creature which does not betray this resemblance, because every created thing is an effect of the Primal cause.

It is true that the words we use to speak of created realities express the divine perfections only in a halting, limited and analogical manner. They are only a more or less distant echo – as are the created realities that they signify – of the properties of God Himself.

The Father begets the Son; the Spirit proceeds from Father and Son. These few words sum up the mystery of life of the Most Blessed Trinity and of all the perfections in creatures which are nothing else but echoes, a hymn of praise, a many-hued tableau, of this primary and most wondrous of all mysteries. We must perforce use our customary vocabulary, since it is all we have; but we must never forget that our vocabulary is very inadequate.

Who is the Father? What is His personal life like? It consists in begetting, eternally; because He begets His Son from the beginning, and forever.

Who is the Son? He is the Begotten-One because from the beginning and for all eternity He is begotten by the Father.

And who is the Holy Spirit? The flowering of the love of the Father and the Son. If the fruit of created love is a created conception, then the fruit of divine Love, that prototype of all created love, is necessarily a divine “conception.” The Holy Spirit is, therefore, the “uncreated, eternal conception,” the prototype of all the conceptions that multiply life throughout the whole universe.

The Father begets; the Son is begotten; the Spirit is the “conception” that springs from their love; there we have the intimate life of the three Persons by which they can be distinguished one from another. But they are united in the oneness of their Nature, of their divine existence. The Spirit is then, this thrice holy “conception,” this infinitely holy, Immaculate Conception.

Everywhere in this world we notice action, and the reaction which is equal but contrary to it; departure and return; going away and coming back; separation and reunion. The separation always looks forward to union, which is creative. All this is simply an image of the Blessed Trinity in the activity of creatures. Union means love, creative love.

Divine activity, outside the Trinity itself, follows the same pattern. First, God creates the universe; that is something like a separation. Creatures, by following the natural law implanted in them by God, reach their perfection, become like Him, and go back to Him. Intelligent creatures love Him in the conscious manner; through this love they unite themselves more and more closely with Him, and so find their way back to Him.

The creature most completely filled with this love, filled with God Himself, was the Immaculata, who never contracted the slightest stain of sin, who never departed in the least from God’s will. United to the Holy Spirit as His spouse, she is one with God in an incomparably more perfect way than can be predicated of any other creature.

What sort of union is this? It is above all an interior union, a union of her essence with the “essence” of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in her, lives in her. This was true from the first instant of her existence. It was always true; it will always be true.

In what does this life of the Sprit in Mary consist? He Himself is uncreated Love in her; the Love of the Father and of the Son, the Love by which God loves Himself, the very love of the Most Holy Trinity. He is a fruitful Love, a “Conception.” Among creatures made in God’s image the union brought about by married love is the most intimate of all (cf. Mt. 19,6). In a much more precise, more interior, more essential manner, the Holy Spirit lives in the soul of the Immaculata, in the depths of her very being. He makes her fruitful, from the very first instant of her existence, all during her life, and for all eternity.

This eternal “Immaculate Conception” (which is the Holy Spirit) produces in an immaculate manner divine life itself in the womb (or depths) of Mary’s soul, making her the Immaculate Conception, the human Immaculate Conception. And the virginal womb of Mary’s body is kept sacred for Him; there He conceives in time – because everything that is material occurs in time – the human life of the man-God.

And so the return to God (which is love), that is to say the equal and contrary reaction, follows a different path from that found in creation. The path of creation goes from the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit; this return trail goes from the Spirit through the Son back to the Father; in other words, by the Spirit the Son becomes incarnate in the Womb of the Immaculata; and through this Son love returns to the Father. And she (the Immaculata), grafted into the Love of the Blessed Trinity, becomes from the first moment of her existence and forever thereafter the “complement of the Blessed Trinity”.

In the Holy Spirit’s union with Mary we observe more than the love of two beings; in one there is all the love of the Blessed Trinity; in the other, all of creation’s love. So it is that in this union heaven and earth are joined; all of heaven with all the earth, the totality of eternal love with the totality of created love. It is truly the summit of love.

At Lourdes, the Immaculata did not say of herself that she had been conceived immaculately, but, as St. Bernadette repeated, “Que soy era immaculada councepciou”: “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

If among human beings the wife takes the name of her husband because she belongs to him, is one with him, becomes equal to him and is, with him, the source of new life, with how much greater reason should the name of the Holy Spirit, who is the divine Immaculate Conception, be used as the name of her in whom He lives as uncreated Love, the principle of life in the whole supernatural order of grace?” (St. Maximilian Kolbe, 17 February, 1941).

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When we read Father Karl Stehlin’s “Who Are You, O Immaculata?” (Angelus) it begins to become clearer. Fr. Stehlin, drawing on the works of St. Maximilian Kolbe, describes Mary’s role in our salvation.

“She is the summit of creation and the bridge over which all paths from heaven and to heaven must travel, the nave of the church that bridges the distance between God’s majesty and the guilty sinner and connects these two extremes.”

Fr. Stehlin affirms that the mystical vision at Tuy is meant to direct us to the true meaning of the Immaculata in the mystery of God and redemption.

It is the Crucifix which dominates the Vision of Tuy, and we see Mary standing beside the huge cross, with her heart in her hand. Thus she extends to us her immense suffering forever bound with His, and calls us to love of the cross. The thorns and flames surrounding her heart remind us that our love is perfected in suffering. If we consider this vision prayerfully, we begin to understand the reason this vision was given to us at this particular time in history.

Father Stehlin reminds us, “Through Mary, the salvation of the world began; through Mary it will also be perfected.” In the calamitous ending of the Age of Apostasy, we will see streams of grace and mercy flowing from the wounded hands of our Savior through the Virgin, grace and mercy for us who turn to her. Not for us alone, for none will be saved alone. Long before this vision, Our Lady gave the children the vision of hell, not to scare them but to call them to save sinners. Father reminds us,

“The whole message of Fatima is a Mother’s cry of alarm, which shows her children the great danger and tries to save them from it. The apparition of July 13, (1917) describes the apotheosis, the almost total victory of satan through his accomplices, the materialistic atheism that rules the world. Opposing this is the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the sole escape chosen by God and the sure victory.”

We live today in the apostasy of nations; it is not enough to live our consecrations in peace and quiet, no, not at all. For we will either save ourselves and others or we will be damned alone. The very air is infected with narcissistic self-absorbtion, with pride and presumption. Over the past several centuries, the enemy has sown religious indifference and an over-weaning reliance on one’s own aptitudes, leading to a distaste for humility and obedience, the virtues needed now more than ever.

“The time has come …”, Mary began her message at Tuy. At Fatima, the will of God was made visible to the whole world, so that now, in the end times, Mary might be made known to the world as the Mediatrix of All Graces, as the beginning of creation’s return home to God. Mary’s heart gathers the children of God and preserves in them the light of grace in the midst of a dark world. In her heart, we can endure to the end beneath the Cross of Christ. And thus proceeds the return through Mary to Christ in the Holy Ghost to God the Father.” (Stehlin, op. cit., p. 12)

There has been a very helpful series on Our Lady of Knock at Tradition in Action by Gregory Johnson. I highly recommend it. Mr. Johnson shows clearly how the magnificent apparitions of the nineteenth century progressed towards Fatima. Even the weather at the various apparitions progressed towards Fatima which culminated in Our Lady’s miraculous demonstration of total control over the elements with the miracle of the sun followed by the miraculous clearing of the rain and mud. This is highly significant as we shall soon unfortunately see. There is no doubt that the Immaculata is the “Woman clothed with the Sun” of Apocalypse Chapter 12. The eloquent, silent vision of Knock proves that.

My only purpose on this site is to point to the truth about the importance of the Message of Fatima. It is a shame that so few, even after reading this poor “microblog” or even other, better blogs, still prefer to pursue foolish and misleading subjects. Readers often tell me about family members who refuse to grasp the simple message of Fatima. “What can I do?” they ask. Aware of my utter inadequacy, I can only restate the message, we must pray, we must make of everything a sacrifice, we must never cease begging Heaven for the Consecration of Russia, and for a repentant Church to perform the consecration. And I know you are frustrated.

But we are at Golgotha now, and part of of our own cross is to accept this frustration with humility. The very fact that it humbles us should teach us how necessary this humbling of ourselves is.

We are all aware of Sister Lúcia’s warning to Cardinal Caffara and Father Amorth’s warning. Now, this past year, those who occupy the Church  have rapidly escalated their attacks against the faith.  As this spiritual chastisement intensifies, we see the escalation of political hostilities, and the early beginnings of the horrific natural disasters that we will soon face. We need our Blessed Mother more than ever and we are blessed that she has loved us so much as to place herself openly within history here and now, allowing the enemy to attack her in order to call us, her children, to the safe haven of her Immaculate Heart.

I hope that you will read Mr. Johnson’s series on Knock and that you will, if possible, read Father Karl Stehlin’s book, “Who are You, O Immaculata?”  See link above. It has helped me immensely.  It is difficult for me to afford books like Father Stehlin’s, but consider the cost a worthy sacrifice to God, and at this late point in my life, much more prudent than most other expenses, since now, we must apply all our efforts to spiritual survival.

The revelation of Our Lady of Fatima in the mystical vision of Tuy is an encouraging promise for us now: She offers her Immaculate Heart to her children, those who are consecrated to her, who live their consecrations moment by moment in this desolate wasteland of the post-synodal church. The greater the trial, the more God’s grace and mercy abounds.

More than ever before, we will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and open our hearts to the graces Our Lord is offering us through His Mother. The more that God’s justice is mocked and His sacraments despised, the more doubts and errors confuse the faithful, the more firmly we abide with Mary Immaculate, our Queen and our Mother, our sure refuge from apostasy. It is in her Immaculate Heart that we become strong in humilty and obedience, which are so necessary to drive the pride and rebellion from the Church.

For a similar post you might like, see The Message of Fatima for the Synodal Church.

Pray the Rosary and confound satan and those who serve him!

†  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
†  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
†  Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
† . St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
† . St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Pray for a pope and bishops who will  obey and do the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

~  for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

Unfinished Business, 2023

This post was first published on another site, which closed down some years ago.  When I moved to Return to Fatima in 2012-2013, I re-edited it and republished it 2017, and again in 2021. I bring it back again as it is a portion of a series I intend to post before I must quit.


The demands of God do not expire simply because mankind ignores them. Indeed, they gather in magnitude and now, in momentum as well.

The point of this essay is simple: The battle is over the Mass. Yes, I have been saying this for longer than Bergoglio has been in office. That is because the message of Fatima began with the Eucharistic revelations of the Angel, indeed, the Mass and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are inseparable from the Message of Fatima.

It is a tragic fact that the majority of faithful ignore or misunderstand Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Christ the King, and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are all of a piece and in no way are separate, disparate, or contradictory. And they are inseparably linked to the Mass and Holy Eucharist.

The requests of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, as relayed by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1689, still stand today, centuries after they were made known. Once God has uttered a request, it does not cease to be simply because centuries pass while Catholics turn an indifferent ear to them.Our Lord Jesus Christ made His request of the King of France  because of the importance of the French Monarchy, as a worldly force established by the will of God for the glory and protection of Christ’s Church. I refer you to the writings of Solange Hertz as previously cited.

St. Pius X tells us in Vehementer nos, “The Creator of mankind is also the Founder of human societies, and He preserves them just as He maintains individuals in existence.”  God sent Joan of Arc to make this clear. Her mission was precisely to establish the fact that France was a nation constituted by God under a king who was Jesus Christ’s designated lieutenant. Thus, we see that God first sent St. Joan to aid France, then sent St. Margaret Mary with a message from His Sacred Heart. The engineer of destruction for the latter message was the deceitful Jesuit superior who refused to comply. I will not expand on this now, but it is documented by Hertz in Utopia Nowhere.

If only …

If only Pope Pius XI had obeyed the request of the Immaculate Mother of God at Fatima, instead of separating that requested devotion from devotion to the Sacred Heart and Christ the King, he would have been able to fulfill both the requests of the Immaculate Heart and of her Divine Son. Instead of the ever-expanding reign of satanic marxism, we could have had the glorious reign of Christ the King, through the Immaculata, as Our Lord Himself had so desired.

And what are we to think of France?

The Kingdom of France, established by King Clovis was consecrated by him to  Christ’s Kingship forever by constitutional law. The document’s preamble begins with, “The illustrious Nation of the Franks, having God for Founder,” and closes by praying that, “the Lord Jesus Christ direct those who govern in the way of piety.”  When France’s king failed to submit to the request of its true ruler, Christ the King, it fell to apostasy. Of this, Pope St. Pius X prophesied: “she who had made an alliance with God,” would one day repent and “bear My Name before all peoples and all the kings of the earth.”  

God’s gifts being without repentance, we may believe that the return to natural law will begin with the conversion of regicide France. (Solange Hertz, “Utopia Nowhere“)

Hertz believed strongly that France would return to the faith:

“She will begin by restoring the kingdom of France, and by God’s grace, the rest of the nations will rise and follow France back to their Lord and ruler Jesus Christ. In a discourse to the French cardinals in 1911, St. Pius X predicted: “The nation which made an alliance with God at the baptismal fonts of Reims will repent and return to her first vocation.”  (op cit, loc 1667-1669)

God’s requests still stand: France must be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Russia must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  These two are inseparable Divine requests and until they are obeyed, suffering will continue to gather in violent intensity throughout the world. Our Lord has assured us, through St. Margaret Mary that He will reign despite all opposition and in the same manner, Our Lady and Our Lord have both asserted to Sister Lucia that in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph. If only the faithful today would grasp that this triumph will be either with us or despite us. If despite, there will be much greater chastisement.


That said, how will this happen?  Since devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is Eucharistic, let us see what the Apocalypse tells us of the victory of the Eucharistic Lamb – that is, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

“The judgments executed by the Eucharistic Lamb upon Satan shall involve the whole world not to destroy but to chasten it and wrest it from the hands of Satan liberating the human race from his sordid servitude.” (Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer, “The Book of Destiny” [introduction], Tan Books.)

From an earlier post: The Holy Eucharist makes every church a temple and every tabernacle a throne of God. Thus, the vision of Knock points us to Apocalypse, Chapter 5, v. 5, which in turn points us to Isaias 11, 1-5, all of which emphasize the importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus, symbolized for us by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Prisoner of Love in the Eucharist.

The Eucharistic Mystery

From Father Kramer:
“The temple of Christ is every Catholic Church, where He dwells in the Eucharistic Mystery. The Sacrifice of the Mass is the sacred mystery, in which Christ is “as if sacrificed”, is truly and mystically slain or immolated. The sacrifice is inseparably united with the bloody sacrifice of the Cross, because it represents and renews it. Through the Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ becomes present, establishes His throne in the Church and extends the effects of His death on the Cross and carries the purposes of God to completion. To outward appearance He is dead in the Eucharist, so there He rests “as if immolated”. But the Holy Eucharist is the throne of God through the inseparable union of Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  …

Fr. Kramer tells us,

“The Real Presence of Christ has been …  the standard for the armies of Christ. His soldiers, the martyrs, confessors and virgins have ever fought and bled for the altar and the cross.” And we know that Christ the King demands that the standards of the French King bear the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus we understand that Christ intends to reign through Eucharistic devotion, through the true sacrifice of the Mass.

This Battle Is Over the Mass

To be as clear as possible, this battle is over the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is over the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.  The revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary concern the most Holy Eucharist. And do take note of the fact that the message of Fatima was introduced by St. Michael in a very triumphant tableau of – what? What was St. Michael telling us? He was stating the grounds of the battle: the Mass, the Eucharist and urging the weapons for the laity: Make of everything a sacrifice! Pray and sacrifice!

The silent tableau of Knock took place in inclement weather just outside the Church, thus pointing to the institutional Church forcing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass outside. The apparition of Knock displayed on a desolate night thus foretold a period in which the conciliar Church would attempt to stifle the true Sacrifice of the Mass and replace it with a protestantised fellowship service, to serve ecumenism and the prince of this world. This is the agenda of the present occupant as we shall see before the year ends. In this battle, there will be no safe haven, no order will escape this blight.

At Knock, the Little Lamb on the altar stood with two powerful representatives of the priesthood, St. Joseph, chaste guardian of the Holy Family and Patron of the Church, and St. John the Beloved, to whom Christ entrusted His Mother and to whom the Holy Spirit revealed the mysteries of the Apocalypse. St. John pointed to the Scriptures, begging the question, “To which scriptures?” The vision itself answers:  The Lamb on the altar indicates Apocalypse 5. The two patrons of the priesthood, St. Joseph and St. John, indicate the importance of priests in these times. Our Lady of Knock, in this vision, never took her eyes from heaven, never wavered in her intercession for the Church.

Considered in the context of the other Marian apparitions, Knock is a warning against the silencing of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the sacrilege of the Holy Eucharist, the corruption of the faith. Our Lady’s appearances at La Salette and Knock were followed by the revelation of Fatima. The Angel of Fatima, Michael, the great Archangel warrior who battles Satan gave us a warning about the abuses of the sacrifice of the Mass and desecration of the Eucharist. And now, 100 years later, the onslaught of sacrileges, outrages, and indifference  continues.

We must understand that Satan is at war with the Little Lamb, our Eucharistic Lord. Unfortunately, most Catholics are indifferent to this battle. But it is real. Satan knows that the Eucharist is Emmanuel, God with us. Although so many Catholics have forgotten this truth, or are indifferent, the devil knows that Christ the King reigns through the Eucharist. And that is why he is striving with all his immense power to extirpate the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to eliminate the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ on our altars. By their perversion of mercy, in giving the the Body of Christ to unrepentant sinners, modernists debase Our Lord’s sacrament of love and attempt to drive Jesus from His own Church.

La Salette, Knock, Fatima, and Akita, all warn us of this time. This is a spiritual battle of never before seen proportions. Although we know Who will win it, we cannot afford to lose any time, for with knowledge comes responsibility. We must live our Consecrations, moment by tedious moment. Just because our lives are ordinary does not mean that they are not very, very precious to Jesus.

Because of the indifference of so many, and the errors of self-appointed Catholic leaders, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will indeed seem to disappear. Our Lady has graciously given us, in her true message of Fatima, the spiritual weapons to defend ourselves and those entrusted to us. They are spiritual Holy Communion (as foretold by the apparitions of the Angel in 1916)  and the Holy Rosary (as requested in all six visits of Our Lady at Fatima). Combined, they will sustain us. (Note: The spiritual weapons sustain our souls; however, at this late date, they will not protect us from great suffering.)

Discuss the Message of Fatima with your own priests – the First Saturdays are vital and even though most of us can not make it to Mass daily, we can make our Spiritual Mass and Holy Communion every day and keep every Saturday as a special day of reparation. Also, Our Lady asked for 15 minutes of our time on those days of reparation – but most of us gladly give her 15 – or more – minutes each day, for such is our delight in her! Please help spread the message of Our Lady of the Rosary.


Our Lord’s words to Sister Josefa Menendez:

“I so much want souls to understand this! It is not the action itself which is of value; it is the intention with which it is done. … I have many hidden souls who in their humble labors are very useful workers in My vineyard, … My love goes so far that My souls can draw great treasure out of mere nothing. When as soon as they wake they unite themselves to Me and offer their whole day with a burning desire that My Heart may use it for the profit of souls … when with love they perform their duties, hour by hour and moment by moment … how great is the treasure they amass in one day!

“I will reveal My love to them more and more … it is inexhaustible, and how easy it is for a loving soul to let itself be guided by love.” (Sister Josefa Menendez and the Way of Divine Love.)

Ed. note For a deeper understanding of this profound concept, I recommend “The Courage of be Afraid” by Father Marie-Dominique Molinié, O. P., translated by Fr. Alexander Wiseman, SSPX, Angelus Press, and, in the same vein, “Only Jesus”, by Archbishop Luis M. Martínez, D.D., translated by Sister Mary St. Daniel, B.V.M., Cluny Media. It is a great blessing that these books have become available at this particular time – I will try to write more on this soon.

No matter that others say,  I must continue to assert, with every means at my disposal, the importance of following obediently, the true message of Fatima, in prayer and penance, in faith and charity and especially in confident hope!

For, in these times, Our Lady has given us, through God’s immense, unfathomable mercy, a profusion of graces through her holy Rosary. Please pray your Rosary with confidence in our Mother’s intercession for us.  Our Lady of Fatima will not fail. In the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

“Open your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only: and He will free you from the hands of your enemies. With all your heart return to Him, and take away from your midst any strange gods” (I Kings 7:3)

  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
  Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
  St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Please pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

St. Michael, St. John and Our Lady of Knock

Tomorrow we commemorate the Apparition of Our Lady of Knock. To prepare, we offer a guest post from Adrian Dulston considering the apparition in the context of Fatima, LaSalette and the Apocalypse.

When Our Lady’s message at La Salette  was silenced, she very eloquently replied with a silent apparition at Knock, and that apparition ties in nicely with the Angel’s message at Fatima  and the prophecies of the Apocalypse. Today’s post is from guest contributor,  Mr. Dulston of BVM Servant. I hope to have a follow up article or two on Our Lady of Knock soon.

St. Michael the Archangel, The Beloved Disciple, and Ireland
December 27, 2015 by AD

Sunday overrides the Feast of St. John the Evangelist but as it’s coming up to the Fatima year of St. Michael the Archangel, that is, a hundred years since his often forgotten appearance to the Fatima children, I am reminded of other heavenly visits which warn of these precarious times.

On August 21st 1879 some Irish parishioners from the town of Knock, witnessed a vision on the back of their Church. In what is now a famous image we find Mary, Joseph, St. John the Evangelist and a Lamb on an altar with angels in flight. Many focus quite rightly on Mary in the vision but it is obvious that the scene is that of Holy Mass, and specifically the consecration of the bread into Our Lord’s Body, Who is offered as a Lamb to take away our sins, to God the Father.

(The vision depicts) the presence of Mary and Joseph, in place of the Laity attentive to the Word of God spoken by the Evangelist John, who is a priest offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Indeed, the symbolism of the Lamb is prevalent in his Gospel.

To take this vision further, I believe it points to the book of Revelation chapter 5:

“The Scroll and the Lamb

1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. 4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. 8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.

9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”

11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. 12 In a loud voice they were saying:  “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”

13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” 14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.”

This ties in with vision of Knock, but we should take note of its significance. The Book of Revelation points to the consummation of human history with this period being that of the end times. Mary once again appears to give a place of refuge for beleaguered Catholics in this increasingly dark world, offering the light of her Son who is chiefly present in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. St. John, the Beloved Disciple, who witnessed the profundity of the Mass in the shedding of water and blood at the foot of the cross with Mary also points us towards the end times and where we should look in our darkest trials.

St. Michael the Archangel also does the same pointing to the supernatural nature of the Body and Blood of Christ. We must increase Eucharistic Devotion in 2016 as the world experiences its last breath ever constricted by suffocating self-imploding culture which watches worship of self becoming a mirage of false dreams without God. St. John and St. Michael point to Christ in the Eucharist as the answer, a return to the Catholic Faith. Knock and Fatima are not independent but corresponding portents of the end times. [End]

Ed. Comment:  Knock is an important message in line with the other true Marian apparitions; like La Salette and Fatima, it warns of threats to the faith, especially the priesthood and the Mass. The Sacred Tableau presented at Knock does point to the Apocalypse. And the presence of St. Joseph and St. John the Beloved, both of whom were sacerdotal figures in close contact with the Blessed Virgin, point to our Lady’s love for priests.

Because Knock is presented to us between La Salette and Fatima, I believe it is, like them, a warning of the coming chastisement. The Chastisement (which has been unfolding since 1960 and is now about to crash in its full fury) serves the purpose of bringing what is hidden to light to cleanse satan and those who follow him from within the Church.

This year with the eruption of the putrescence of the priest sexual abuse network in the Church, which has been aided and abetted by the rulers of the Church up to and including the current pontiff, we see more than ever, the need for fervent renewal of the faith and honesty in all areas of church governance. This cannot be accomplished without the renewal of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

After the culmination of the Chastisement, which will end with the Return of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Fatima, there will be the promised period of peace after which the Antichrist will return and will wage his final war against Christ’s Kingdom, the war in which he is vanquished completely by Our Lord Jesus Christ, King.

The Bergoglio/Danneels papacy is intent on destroying the Mass and the sacraments, using a perversion of mercy as their weapon. At Knock the emphasis was on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in absolute silence, on a cold rainy night, and most importantly, outside of the church, not within the warm, dry, secure church, but outside, in hostile weather. It gives us much to think about, doesn’t it?

Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

† . Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
† . Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
† . Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
† . St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
† . St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Please pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

What John Saw and What Lúcia Saw

Restored post from April 2018

Today we speak of beginnings and endings

A long, long time ago, John was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, as he tells us. And he heard a loud voice as of the sound of many waters, “I am the Alpha and the Omega …” . And John was given visions, the like of which no man has ever seen since until the night of June 13, 1929 in a small chapel.

Sister Lúcia described the vision:

“Suddenly the whole chapel became bright with a supernatural light and above the altar appeared a luminous cross that extended to the ceiling. In an even brighter light appeared above the cross the face of a Man with His body down to the waist. In front of His chest was a Dove, also made entirely of light, and nailed to the cross was the Body of another Man. A little below His hips appeared a chalice floating in the air and a large host, upon which fell the drops of blood that streamed from the face of the Crucified, and from His wounded side. They flowed down upon the host, and from there they fell into the chalice.

“Beneath the cross and to the right was Our Lady with her Immaculate Heart in her hand (it was Our Lady of Fatima with her Immaculate Heart, which she held in her left hand, without a sword or roses, but rather, surrounded with a crown of thorns and all aflame).

“Beneath the cross on the left appeared large letters, as though made of crystal-clear water, that flowed from the hand of the Crucified down upon the altar and formed the following words, Grace and Mercy.

“I understood that the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity was being shown to me, …”

The Blessed Virgin’s message was succinct:

“The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, and to order that in union with Him and at the same time, all the Bishops of the world make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to convert it because of this day of prayer and worldwide reparation.”

This vision is so deep and rich in meaning; in it we see encapsulated the mysteries of the Immaculate Conception, the Most Blessed Trinity, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Eucharist and so much more. It is the counterpart to John’s visions on Patmos and bears a similar warning and promise for us.

Yet not one Pope has ever spoken of this vision. Not. one. A stunning indifference.

An insight from St. Maximilian Kolbe

In one of his last writings, the Apostle of the Immaculata, St. Maximilian, provides us with an excellent meditation on the meaning of the Immaculate Conception and its relation to the Most Holy Trinity. Let’s see how his brief meditation fits in with Lúcia’s mystical vision.

After asking,  “Who are you, O Immaculate Conception?” St. Maximilian writes,

“Not God, of course, because He has no beginning. Not an angel, created directly out of nothing. Not Adam, formed out of the dust of the earth (Gen. 2,7). Not Eve, molded from Adam’s rib (Gen. 2,21). Not the Incarnate Word, Who exists before all ages, and of Whom we should use the word “conceived” rather than “conception”. Humans do not exist before their conception, so we might call them created “conceptions.” But you, O Mary, are different from all other children of Eve. They are conceptions stained by original sin; whereas you are the unique, Immaculate Conception.

“Everything which exists, outside of God Himself, since it is from God and depends on Him in every way, bears within itself some semblance to its Creator; there is nothing in any creature which does not betray this resemblance, because every created thing is an effect of the Primal cause.

It is true that the words we use to speak of created realities express the divine perfections only in a halting, limited and analogical manner. They are only a more or less distant echo – as are the created realities that they signify – of the properties of God Himself.

The Father begets the Son; the Spirit proceeds from Father and Son. These few words sum up the mystery of life of the Most Blessed Trinity and of all the perfections in creatures which are nothing else but echoes, a hymn of praise, a many-hued tableau, of this primary and most wondrous of all mysteries. We must perforce use our customary vocabulary, since it is all we have; but we must never forget that our vocabulary is very inadequate.

Who is the Father? What is His personal life like? It consists in begetting, eternally; because He begets His Son from the beginning, and forever.

Who is the Son? He is the Begotten-One because from the beginning and for all eternity He is begotten by the Father.

And who is the Holy Spirit? The flowering of the love of the Father and the Son. If the fruit of created love is a created conception, then the fruit of divine Love, that prototype of all created love, is necessarily a divine “conception.” The Holy Spirit is, therefore, the “uncreated, eternal conception,” the prototype of all the conceptions that multiply life throughout the whole universe.

The Father begets; the Son is begotten; the Spirit is the “conception” that springs from their love; there we have the intimate life of the three Persons by which they can be distinguished one from another. But they are united in the oneness of their Nature, of their divine existence. The Spirit is then, this thrice holy “conception,” this infinitely holy, Immaculate Conception.

Everywhere in this world we notice action, and the reaction which is equal but contrary to it; departure and return; going away and coming back; separation and reunion. The separation always looks forward to union, which is creative. All this is simply an image of the Blessed Trinity in the activity of creatures. Union means love, creative love.

Divine activity, outside the Trinity itself, follows the same pattern. First, God creates the universe; that is something like a separation. Creatures, by following the natural law implanted in them by God, reach their perfection, become like Him, and go back to Him. Intelligent creatures love Him in the conscious manner; through this love they unite themselves more and more closely with Him, and so find their way back to Him.

The creature most completely filled with this love, filled with God Himself, was the Immaculata, who never contracted the slightest stain of sin, who never departed in the least from God’s will. United to the Holy Spirit as His spouse, she is one with God in an incomparably more perfect way than can be predicated of any other creature.

What sort of union is this? It is above all an interior union, a union of her essence with the “essence” of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in her, lives in her. This was true from the first instant of her existence. It was always true; it will always be true.

In what does this life of the Sprit in Mary consist? He Himself is uncreated Love in her; the Love of the Father and of the Son, the Love by which God loves Himself, the very love of the Most Holy Trinity. He is a fruitful Love, a “Conception.” Among creatures made in God’s image the union brought about by married love is the most intimate of all (cf. Mt. 19,6). In a much more precise, more interior, more essential manner, the Holy Spirit lives in the soul of the Immaculata, in the depths of her very being. He makes her fruitful, from the very first instant of her existence, all during her life, and for all eternity.

This eternal “Immaculate Conception” (which is the Holy Spirit) produces in an immaculate manner divine life itself in the womb (or depths) of Mary’s soul, making her the Immaculate Conception, the human Immaculate Conception. And the virginal womb of Mary’s body is kept sacred for Him; there He conceives in time – because everything that is material occurs in time – the human life of the man-God.

And so the return to God (which is love), that is to say the equal and contrary reaction, follows a different path from that found in creation. The path of creation goes from the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit; this return trail goes from the Spirit through the Son back to the Father; in other words, by the Spirit the Son becomes incarnate in the Womb of the Immaculata; and through this Son love returns to the Father. And she (the Immaculata), grafted into the Love of the Blessed Trinity, becomes from the first moment of her existence and forever thereafter the “complement of the Blessed Trinity”.

In the Holy Spirit’s union with Mary we observe more than the love of two beings; in one there is all the love of the Blessed Trinity; in the other, all of creation’s love. So it is that in this union heaven and earth are joined; all of heaven with all the earth, the totality of eternal love with the totality of created love. It is truly the summit of love.

At Lourdes, the Immaculata did not say of herself that she had been conceived immaculately, but, as St. Bernadette repeated, “Que soy era immaculada councepciou”: “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

If among human beings the wife takes the name of her husband because she belongs to him, is one with him, becomes equal to him and is, with him, the source of new life, with how much greater reason should the name of the Holy Spirit, who is the divine Immaculate Conception, be used as the name of her in whom He lives as uncreated Love, the principle of life in the whole supernatural order of grace?” (St. Maximilian Kolbe, 17 February, 1941).

✝︎ . ✝︎ . ✝︎

When we read Father Karl Stehlin’s “Who Are You, O Immaculata?” (Angelus) it begins to become clearer. Fr. Stehlin, drawing on the works of St. Maximilian Kolbe, describes Mary’s role in our salvation.

“She is the summit of creation and the bridge over which all paths from heaven and to heaven must travel, the nave of the church that bridges the distance between God’s majesty and the guilty sinner and connects these two extremes.”

Fr. Stehlin affirms that the mystical vision at Tuy is meant to direct us to the true meaning of the Immaculata in the mystery of God and redemption.

It is the Crucifix which dominates the Vision of Tuy, and we see Mary standing beside the huge cross, with her heart in her hand. Thus she extends to us her immense suffering forever bound with His, and calls us to love of the cross. The thorns and flames surrounding her heart remind us that our love is perfected in suffering. If we consider this vision prayerfully, we begin to understand the reason this vision was give to us at this particular time in history.

Father Stehlin reminds us, “Through Mary, the salvation of the world began; through Mary it will also be perfected.” In the calamitous ending of the Age of Apostasy, we will see streams of grace and mercy flowing from the wounded hands of our Savior through the Virgin, grace and mercy for us who turn to her. Not for us alone, for none will be saved alone. Long before this vision, Our Lady gave the children the vision of hell, not to scare them but to call them to save sinners. Father reminds us,

“The whole message of Fatima is a Mother’s cry of alarm, which shows her children the great danger and tries to save them from it. The apparition of July 13, (1917) describes the apotheosis, the almost total victory of satan through his accomplices, the materialistic atheism that rules the world. Opposing this is the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the sole escape chosen by God and the sure victory.”

We live today in the apostasy of nations; it is not enough to live our consecrations in peace and quiet, no, not at all. For we will either save ourselves and others or we will be damned alone. The very air is infected with narcissistic self-absorbtion, with pride and presumption. Over the past several centuries, the enemy has sown religious indifference and an over-weaning reliance on one’s own aptitudes, leading to a distaste for humility and obedience, the virtues needed now more than ever.

“The time has come …”, Mary began her message at Tuy. At Fatima, the will of God was made visible to the whole world, so that now, in the end times, Mary might be made known to the world as the Mediatrix of All Graces, as the beginning of creation’s return home to God. Mary’s heart gathers the children of God and preserves in them the light of grace in the midst of a dark world. In her heart, we can endure to the end beneath the Cross of Christ. And thus proceeds the return through Mary to Christ in the Holy Ghost to God the Father.” (Stehlin, op. cit., p. 12)

There has been a very helpful series on Our Lady of Knock at Tradition in Action by Gregory Johnson. I highly recommend it. Mr. Johnson shows clearly how the magnificent apparitions of the nineteenth century progressed towards Fatima. Even the weather at the various apparitions progressed towards Fatima which culminated in Our Lady’s miraculous demonstration of total control over the elements with the miracle of the sun followed by the miraculous clearing of the rain and mud. This is highly significant as we shall soon unfortunately see. There is no doubt that the Immaculata is the “Woman clothed with the Sun” of Apocalypse Chapter 12. The eloquent, silent vision of Knock proves that.

My only purpose on this site is to point to the truth about the importance of the Message of Fatima. It is a shame that so few, even after reading this poor “microblog” or even other, better blogs, still prefer to pursue foolish and misleading subjects. Readers often tell me about family members who refuse to grasp the simple message of Fatima. “What can I do?” they ask. Aware of my utter inadequacy, I can only restate the message, we must pray, we must make of everything a sacrifice, we must never cease begging Heaven for the Consecration of Russia, and for a repentant Church to perform the consecration. And I know you are frustrated.

But we are at Golgotha now, and part of of our own cross is to accept this frustration with humility. The very fact that it humbles us should teach us how necessary this humbling of ourselves is.

We are all aware of Sister Lúcia’s warning to Cardinal Caffara and Father Amorth’s warning. Now, this past year, those who occupy the Church  have rapidly escalated their attacks against the faith.  As this spiritual chastisement intensifies, we see the escalation of political hostilities, and the early beginnings of the horrific natural disasters that we will soon face. We need our Blessed Mother more than ever and we are blessed that she has loved us so much as to place herself openly within history here and now, allowing the enemy to attack her in order to call us, her children, to the safe haven of her Immaculate Heart.

I hope that you will read Mr. Johnson’s series on Knock and that you will, if possible, read Father Karl Stehlin’s book, “Who are You, O Immaculata?”  See link above. It has helped me immensely.  It is difficult for me to afford books like Father Stehlin’s, but consider the cost a worthy sacrifice to God, and at this late point in my life, much more prudent than most other expenses, since now, we must apply all our efforts to spiritual survival.

The revelation of Our Lady of Fatima in the mystical vision of Tuy is an encouraging promise for us now: She offers her Immaculate Heart to her children, those who are consecrated to her, who live their consecrations moment by moment in this desolate wasteland of the post-synodal church. The greater the trial, the more God’s grace and mercy abounds.

More than ever before, we will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and open our hearts to the graces Our Lord is offering us through His Mother. The more that God’s justice is mocked and His sacraments despised, the more doubts and errors confuse the faithful, the more firmly we abide with Mary Immaculate, our Queen and our Mother, our sure refuge from apostasy. It is in her Immaculate Heart that we become strong in humilty and obedience, which are so necessary to drive the pride and rebellion from the Church.


Pray the Rosary and confound satan and those who serve him!

†  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
†  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
†  Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
† . St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
† . St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Pray for a pope and bishops who will  obey and do the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

~  for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

The Message of Our Lady of Knock

Since we posted Mr. Dulston’s essay on the apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Knock, Ireland, several readers have requested more information on the apparition. Although I am unable to provide a good post on Knock at this time, I would like to recommend to you a very good series of articles on Our Lady of Knock posted at Tradition in Action. Mr. Guimaraes’ site has a series on Knock by Gregory Johnson which is very well done. Here is the link: The Message of Our Lady of Knock, The Silence Veils a Secret.

Mr. Johnson’s articles consider Knock within the context of La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima and we can expect at least 2 or possibly 4 more articles in the series, and then, I hope, Mr. Guimaraes will release the series as a book. The few quotes from Mr. Johnson’s series I offer below are not meant to take the place of his articles, but rather to draw you to read them.

Here is a brief but important quote from Mr. Johnson’s first article:

“One closing note: I do not agree with those who say that the silence itself is the message. The message of Our Lady of Knock is not to promote silence.

Those who try to present this silence as the main message that Our Lady wished to convey are promoting a passivity that pressures the faithful to remain inactive and just pray in face of the grave crises in the Church and society we face today. To keep silent before the onslaughts of an evil world and a corrupt Hierarchy is to suppress the Catholic militant spirit.

As will be shown in future articles, I believe that the message of Knock is the opposite of a lifestyle of “peace” where “all my cares and troubles cease,” a phrase from the chorus of the popular Lady of Knock song that has effectively become the modern day theme song of Our Lady of Knock.”

Mr. Johnson is correct, Knock is a warning, not a lullaby. The silent apparition of Knock was a warning against the future silencing of the Message of La Salette, against silencing the message of Fatima and against the future silencing of the Mass. It also, of course, points to the Apocalyptic, “And there was a silence in heaven”, which introduces events significant to us at this particular time of chastisement.

In his second article, Johnson compares the messages of La Salette and Knock. At La Salette our Lady spoke to the children, and warned that Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist, that priests and princes of the Church, along with convents would become corrupted and that the Church would be in eclipse and the world would be in dismay.

All four apparitions, La Salette, Lourdes, Knock and Fatima, appeared outside of a church, and at Knock this was quite pointed, as it occurred in a driving rain, just outside the south gable wall of the little Chapel. Johnson notes:

“One could also ask whether or not the silence of the Knock apparition is a consequence of an infidelity.

“Did the actions of a person or persons, especially if they are members of the Catholic Hierarchy, cause this to be a silent apparition? Did some betrayal cause Divine Providence to “say” in 1879 something analogous to what Our Lord said to the “wicked and adulterous generation” of His time: “A sign shall not be given” (Mt 16:4)?”

At this point, Mr. Johnson’s commentary may run up against resistance from some readers, for he criticises Pope Leo XIII as a liberal. I believe that Mr. Johnson is entirely right in his remarks, and the more you research the matter, the more you will concur with Mr. Johnson.  Perhaps we will have a discussion on this later on, but for now, let us follow with Mr. Johnson’s logic, which is that the silence may have been a reprimand for papal infidelity, (which also occurred regarding Fatima). Continuing from the article:

“Speaking of infidelity, there is another point of contrast between the two apparitions: La Salette received from the Vatican a kind of “gag order”… Knock did not. In 1915, a year after the death of Pope St. Pius X, under the more compromising reign of Pope Benedict XV, there was a decree issued from the Vatican forbidding public commentaries on the secret messages of La Salette. This decree seems to be still in effect even in the present-day scandalous reign of Francis I. We are allowed to have the text, read it and pass it on to friends. But we may not publicly comment on the secret messages of La Salette.

“So, we see that a type of silence was placed upon the apparition at La Salette. Perhaps Our Lady, Queen of Prophets, had this future event in mind when she remained silent at Knock. It would be difficult, even absurd, to try to silence a silent message.”

In his third article, Mr. Johnson reflects on the fact that the silent vision at Knock occurred on August 21, 1879, the date when Pope Leo XIII formally granted a Canonical Coronation to the image at the Basilica of Our Lady of La Salette.

“On that same day, a day that must be acknowledged as the public and official recognition by the Church of the apparition of La Salette, the Mother of God was also appearing in the little village of Knock, Ireland. In other words, on August 21, 1879, we have Our Lady of Knock gazing in the direction of La Salette and Rome on the exact day, perhaps even the same hour, as the ceremonies recognizing the Apparition of La Salette were occurring.

“If we are looking for messages and meanings in the silent apparition of Knock, here I believe Our Lady could not be clearer. Her appearing on that specific day means she is making a connection with La Salette and its message. She is letting us know that the apparition at Knock must be seen in light of the dire message sent at La Salette.”

“By appearing precisely on that day, she is signifying that the Knock apparition should be seen as part or a development of the La Salette apparition. I see no other possible conclusion. Authentic apparitions of Our Lady are far too rare for this to be a mere coincidence of dates.”

The following is a verbatim quote from the Tradition in Action article, because I believe it is the absolutely essential quote of the whole series. We all must understand this.

“If we try to find a complement for the message of La Salette in the silent symbolism of Knock, we see that the crisis in the Church prophesized in La Salette are confirmed by the presence of St. John, who appeared as a Bishop with a book – probably the Apocalypse – in his hand. This is tantamount to him saying: “The crisis that Our Lady predicted in La Salette, which will make Rome become the seat of the Antichrist and will represent the eclipse of the Church, I also prophesized in the Apocalypse.”

“So, we should understand the crisis as something permitted by God for His final victory and greater glory. For the glory of the Lamb of God, which also appears luminous over the altar in Knock as well as in the Apocalypse. It is something that invites us not to despair, but to trust Our Lady and Our Lord.

“Also the presence of St. Joseph, Protector of the Church, in the Knock apparition sends the message: “No matter how grave the crisis may be, I will continue to protect the Church and lead her to a safe port as I did with the Holy Family. You, the faithful, must have recourse to me and my Most Holy Spouse, the Virgin Mary, in this crisis.” Again, the message is to increase our confidence in the supernatural.

 “I believe that these points are valid developments of the message of La Salette, which we must take into consideration given that Our Lady chose to appear in Knock on the precise same day when her apparition of La Salette was being officially recognized by the Church.”

There is much more in the series than I have recapped here, I hope you’ll read it. (Link). Meanwhile, keep in mind that the silent apparition at Knock emphasises the message of La Salette, which Our Lady knew would be silenced by the evil forces already working within the Vatican. It also serves as a prelude to Fatima, as we shall see later on. These evil forces appear to have triumphed now, but we know that in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph as Our Lady of Fatima foretold.

The crisis that Our Lady predicted in La Salette, which will make Rome become the seat of the Antichrist and will represent the eclipse of the Church, St. John also prophesied in the Apocalypse.

[This article is based upon material previously posted at the Traditional Catholic website, Tradition in Action and readers are encouraged to refer to the original series of articles on that site for more complete information.]

Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

†  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
†  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
†  St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
†  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.